Welcome To Clubshop: Your Online Shopping Empire Earnings Await!

Simultaneously activate and advertise your new shopping center automatically.

Instant Duplication and Guaranteed Commissions!

Thanks to your current FREE Membership, we've just activated your very own turnkey online shopping mall, featuring thousands of renowned stores ready to generate automatic sales for you.

Purchase your JumpStart Advertising Pack for $19.90 NOW, and you will automatically receive real-time customers as they join. We guarantee that you will receive a minimum of 6 paying customers from your jumpstart Ad pack, and your commissions will increase because each of your paying customers will receive the same guarantee. Not just prospects, BUT PAYING CUSTOMERS!

This not only ensures you rapidly break even, but also allows you to start profiting immediately from the 25% direct commissions plus override commissions across five generations.

More importantly, you'll establish six new branches of your Clubshop shopping center, significantly multiplying your earnings in the weeks and months ahead.

The Instant Duplication Program 

BONUS FOR FAST-MOVERS: Along with the 12 Affiliates included in your JumpStart Advertising Pack, we are offering up to 20 additional Affiliates for your Clubshop Global Market. However, you will lose one of these bonus affiliates every 30 minutes starting from the moment you register on our platform.

To retain the maximum number possible (a total of 32 Affiliates), act quickly and purchase the JumpStart advertising pack. Delay, and you risk losing all of these 20.

Watch This Video Carefully

Your 'JumpStart Advertising Pack' includes:

  • 1. Your turnkey ClubShop shopping center instantly activated for FREE, with hundreds of big-name stores ready to automatically generate sales for you. People save money, and you earn on every purchase they make!
  • 2. No experience necessary. Activate your Jumpstart advertising package for just $19.90 and automatically receive your first paying ClubShop customers with no effort on your part!


To automatically receive 12 customers (plus 20 if you act promptly) in real-time as they join, click the Buy button above to order your JumpStart Advertising Pack..

Commissions 24/7

  • You will earn commissions on every JumpStart Advertising Pack they order and the tens of millions of products and services available in your Clubshop Mall!
  • This means you won't have to bother your friends or relatives, as is often the case with other online opportunities. 

Autopilot Advertising

ClubShop conducts cooperative advertising for its affiliates, so it works for you automatically 24 hours a day with Autopilot Advertising!

Ongoing Support And Fun

Throughout your journey, you will receive continuous assistance and training from our excellent support team and our active online communities of like-minded individuals.

Your Intuitive Back Office

You have access to a personal dashboard, tools, and reports to manage your back office intuitively.

Every Day That You Remain Inactive Is A Wasted Day.

Looking to boost your income?

It's simple!

Just order multiple JumpStart Advertising Packs. This straightforward step can significantly accelerate your income-building process.

Treat seriously the automated system that can earn you $22,000 monthly or more with just 30 minutes of daily commitment!

Discover the power of cooperative marketing – the key to unlocking immense wealth!!

The Clubshop cooperative marketing approach provides an innovative and efficient solution for both those who have struggled in Network Marketing and those who have excelled. Here's why:

  • 1. Equal Opportunities: Unlike traditional Network Marketing, where success often requires exceptional skills in public speaking, content creation, or charisma, Clubshop's cooperative marketing approach levels the playing field. You don't need to be extraordinary; with a minimum of training and time dedicated to helping others, anyone can earn substantial money.
  • 2. Collective Power: The model leverages the combined financial power of numerous individuals. Instead of each person investing a small amount in separate, ineffective advertising efforts, Clubshop members pool their resources to fund large-scale, impactful advertising campaigns. This collective effort maximizes the efficacy of advertising, resulting in greater visibility and potential earnings for all participants.
  • 3. Sustainable Growth: The Clubshop model is designed for longevity. The cooperative marketing approach fosters a supportive community that not only maintains but can increase its advertising budget over time. This sustainable growth can generate consistent and escalating benefits for everyone involved.
  • 4. Experienced Guidance: With over 25 years of experience combining Network Marketing, the Internet, and traditional advertising, Clubshop offers expert guidance and support. This expertise can help even those with no prior experience in Network Marketing to succeed.
  • 5. Wide Market Reach: Clubshop provides each member with a shopping center with tens of millions of products and a market made up of tens of thousands of consumers. This wide market reach enhances the potential for success.

Remember, it's not just about personal gain but also about helping others. By becoming part of the Clubshop cooperative marketing community, you contribute to a collective effort that can revolutionize the way we approach Marketing and create opportunities for ordinary people to achieve extraordinary success.


There is no rational reason not to seize such an advantageous opportunity.

However, it is common for individuals to overthink decisions, leading to doubt and, ultimately, inaction. In many cases, if one does not take the initial step immediately, distractions or forgetfulness can cause the opportunity to be missed forever.

The JumpStart Advertising Pack is designed to offer immediate benefits, and delaying the decision can mean missing out on potential growth and earnings.

The quicker you and others order the JumpStart Advertising Pack, the faster you will start seeing results.